Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Houston, we've got blog liftoff!

I've considered blogging for years, and have kept an e-journal for many of those. It started as a pregnancy journal, and morphed into a journal of my daughter's developmental milestones, then at some point beyond her toddler years turned into the Family Journal. But a blog it ain't.

Inspired by a few extraordinary bloggers I encountered during our years-long adoption journey, and by the (private) blog of KH, my daughter's dance teacher/studio owner/creative genius/seamstress extraordinaire, I've decided to enter the blogosphere.

Brief bio: I'm a 52-year old homeschooling mom, married to my husband coming up on 30 years. I have a daughter I gave birth to 11 years ago and a 6-year old daughter we adopted from India 3 years ago. Yes, I'm a late bloomer. And that will be the predominant theme of my blog. 

My goals are to become a published author (initially children's literature, but I've got at least one adult novel or memoir in me as well) and to re-learn how to play the cello after a nearly 40-year hiatus. I was given one by my thoughtful husband for my birthday last November, so I don't have any excuses! And in December I submitted my first book, a picture book I co-wrote with my oldest daughter, to Victoria Rock, editor at Chronicle Books, for publication. I'm off to the races! 

But as usual, I've squeezed in launching this blog as the "one more thing" I've done this morning before rushing around to get the kids and myself ready, so it looks like it's going to be another fire at the clown academy. (My husband coined this term a couple of years ago to describe my daughter and I rushing out the door to our destination, yelling at each other to grab a forgotten item, rushing back in for another forgotten item, etc.) But I'm happy to be here, and will be back soon with more about the travails and trappings of life as a late bloomer.